The Prologue: Part 1

Hello! There are two weeks before school officially starts, but this past week was the first week of marching band camp! Band camp is pretty much learning a lot of the halftime show, being introduced to the other musicians in your section, as well as learning the very basics of marching technique!

Mmm, there’s nothing quite like “flex-push-one’s” under the southern July heat. The best part of band camp is always having fun with friends during the fun events of camp! Despite it being a lot of work, it is always rewarding to spend time with those you care about and suffer under the sun and keep doing reps “one more time”.

Over this week, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet the new folks in the drumline, as well as help teach them the procedures, basics, and applications of all that we do in the marching band. As a senior especially, it is really cool to think about the legacy we are leaving behind as members of something greater than ourselves. I think back to the seniors in the band when I was a freshman in 2018, and I marvel at the fact that these freshmen see me in the same position as I saw those leaders.

Although a fun week with friends, lots of change can creep up on you and change your world as well. As old things end and new seasons begin, I can only trust what the Lord has in store for me and my future, as well as the healing he brings as we grow deeper with Him. I thank God every day for the wonderful friends I have around me to support me, grow with me, and walk with me in life and everything that comes with it. I am so grateful for them.

As that week ended and the second week of band camp starts, I look forward to making more progress and walking with those around me to help improve us as musicians, as people, and as representatives of the school we proudly represent! Go Big Blue!

d u t

-Luke Wanca