Hello! This was a pretty uneventful week, once again, but the Lord is faithful to show up even in those weeks.
On Wednesday, we had a deep cleaning day of the band room because marching band season is over. I found an entire, intact clarinet in one of the percussion cubbies…so naturally, I took a picture of it and asked whose it was. I still don’t know who it belonged to, but it was bizarre to find it there in the first place.
As well, I played drums for youth group worship and helped lead! The topic of the day was prayer, and I am so thankful it was shared with honesty, delicacy, and reverence for God. Prayer is something the Lord is continually showing me the importance of in good and in bad days, in anxious and in peaceful days, in easy and in hard days. It is refreshing to know that we can have communication with God our Father through prayer and the Holy Spirit within us. Thanks be to Jesus who restored us back to Him!
Thursday and Friday both ran together, but all I know is they were extremely cold. Thankfully this next week will warm up, but pHEW welcome to November.
Saturday was our annual marching band fundraiser: the fruit sale. It was 35° and windy, but nonetheless, our group of 4 raised $641 in sales for our band! Not too shabby. As well, the neighborhood we were assigned was uphill with long spaces in between each house, meaning we were exhausted by the end of it. The 3.5 hours of selling proved to be worth it, though, with this gorgeous view and with a treat of going out to lunch after it was over.
Today, we set back the clocks one hour and gained some sleep back! I was up and refreshed at 7:30 and spent some time in the Bible, finishing up 1 Samuel today. The more I read the narratives of the Old Testament, the more I see God’s faithful hand over His people then and now. The same character and steady justice were shown thousands of years ago and today. At church, we discussed rejoicing and the importance of relationship with God through His Word as our hope. The Lord is faithful to us time and time again, and we can trust that whatever season we are in, He will be there with us.
As I go into November, I’m praying that I can continually be a light to others and serve faithfully where the Lord has called me to serve. The emotions of upcoming change and finality keep hitting me as senior year flies by us, but I know that the Lord has been my rock, allowing me to enjoy it, find purpose in it, and serve Him and His people in it. Words can’t express the comfort and peace I feel in knowing that when things keep changing, our God does not and He is faithful to be with us in it all. Everything may not go the way we want it to, but God is present with us in all things. I leave you with a quote from Spurgeon:
“You always need divine protection, and, believer in Christ, you shall always have it.”
-C.H. Spurgeon
-Luke Wanca