Week 1

Hello all! This week was the start of things, and the first week of school is out of the way!

Our first day was Monday, which was only a half-length day, but it felt long nonetheless…which means that our first FULL-length day on Tuesday felt like an eternity. Thankfully I got my Costco-sized bag of coffee grounds as a little boost when I need it in the mornings.

This semester I’m enrolled in Film Studies (where you sit and watch a movie for 90 minutes, it’s fantastic), Marching Band (with me and the boyssssss), Personal Finance/Economics (a seniors-only class), and 12th grade English class. All in all, it should be an easy semester! I’m grateful to have the teachers and classmates that I have, and I know that each little thing is an open door that the Lord will use for His good.

Possibly my favorite part of school starting is getting to walk more closely alongside those around me and encourage others where we’re at. As school begins and schedules fill up, it always becomes more stressful and easier to become distracted with each of the little things going on around us. It’s an honor to get to encourage my friends, walk with them in my classes, and even share really dumb or really sweet or really encouraging pictures with them. I’ve been blessed to get to know most of my friends for a few years now, and I look forward to serving them this year how the Lord calls me to.

This week finished really well, except…on Thursday night I wasn’t feeling well after band rehearsal, and since Friday I have been at home sick with a fever ): To me, the worst part of being sick is missing out on doing all of the things I love and being around people at school. I’m doing my best to keep busy around the house, as well as keep up with people over text! If you think of it, please say a prayer or two for this sickly boy shown below…poor guy ):

On the bright side, being sick has given me a chance to try new things and find things to do at home. For instance, I baked a cake by myself for the first time! I’m fairly surprised that it turned out really tasty and that I didn’t completely mess it up! It was very tasty, 10/10.

Despite my fever, I remain confident that He who began a good work in me will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6) and that I can do all things that I need to do through Christ’s strength, apart from my own weakness (Philippians 4:13). The Lord is truly showing me what surrender looks like in this month, as I remain spiritually humbled, as well as physically humbled in my illness. Praise be to Him who has a plan!

Here’s to a great second week of school (even if it’s at home for me) and seeing what the Lord has in store during this time!

-Luke Wanca